In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

09/04/2024 - Combining the role of urbanization and renewable energy in sustainable development: testing the EKC hypothesis for Africa
05/04/2024 - Performance of ChatGPT on Chinese Master?s Degree Entrance Examination in Clinical Medicine
05/04/2024 - People–Place Narratives as Knowledge Typologies for Social Sustainability: Cases from Urban Contexts in the Global South
05/04/2024 - A comprehensive review of urban vegetation as a Nature-based Solution for sustainable management of particulate matter in ambient air
02/04/2024 - Impact of Sterilization on the Adhesion Properties of a Polyamide 11 Coating on Textured Metal Substrates
02/04/2024 - Evaluation Model of Distributed Photovoltaic Utilization in Urban Built-Up Area
02/04/2024 - Exploring the combined cooling effect of street canyon geometry and the surrounding built environment
02/04/2024 - Earthquake-Induced Waste Repurposing: A Sustainable Solution for Post-Earthquake Debris Management in Urban Construction
29/03/2024 - Assessing the effects of extreme climate risk on urban ecological resilience in China
29/03/2024 - Coupling and Coordination Relationship of Economic–Social–Natural Composite Ecosystem in Central Yunnan Urban Agglomeration
29/03/2024 - Research on the coupling relationship and interaction between urbanization and eco-environment in urban agglomerations: A case study of the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration
29/03/2024 - Correlation Analysis of Urban Road Network Structure and Spatial Distribution of Tourism Service Facilities at Multi-Scales Based on Tourists’ Travel Preferences
26/03/2024 - Phytomicrobiomes: A Potential Approach for Sustainable Pesticide Biodegradation
26/03/2024 - Rheological Performance Analysis of Different Preventive Maintenance Materials in Porous High-Viscosity Asphalt Pavements
26/03/2024 - Intelligent Early Warning and Decision Platform for Long-Term Ground Subsidence in High-Density Areas for Sustainable Urban Development
26/03/2024 - Stormwater Quality and Long-Term Efficiency Capturing Potential Toxic Elements in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems—Is the Soil Quality of Bio-Swales after 10–20 Years Still Acceptable?
26/03/2024 - Enhancing Sustainability in Italian Water Supply Pipes through Life Cycle Analysis
22/03/2024 - MOP−18−Derived CuO Fiber for Hybrid Supercapacitor Electrodes
22/03/2024 - Dogs? social susceptibility is differentially affected by various dog?Human interactions. A study on family dogs, former shelter dogs and therapy dogs
22/03/2024 - Preparation of high?performance bismuthene thermoelectric composites doped with graphene using UV?curing 3D printing technology
Technical Articles: 6588 - Nº Pages 330
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery